The Ugly Truth Behind Men's Infidelity

The Ugly Truth Behind Men's Infidelity

Women Behind Bars - The Ugly Truth Behind Men's Infidelity

Hi friends. Now, I discovered Women Behind Bars - The Ugly Truth Behind Men's Infidelity. Which may be very helpful for me so you.

Study shows that more than 50% of men admit to being unfaithful at some time in their lives. It's no surprise that many women have a reasonable doubt about whether or not honest and loyal men still exist. Men were predators and hunters by nature; they all the time want to conquer as many women as possible. For some men, when they passed a clear age, they would try to cheat just to prove they still have what it takes to attract women. Hunters will all the time be a hunter at heart, even when they are too old to hunt. It is proven that men are more likely to cheat than women. If you have doubts, just head to a local bar on any given night; you can no ifs ands or buts find groups of men trying to pick up drunk women for casual sex. Quite the opposite, women's affairs often have more to do with emotional factors. This is exactly why women are often more attached to their affair and have harder times to let it go. Women are more likely to come to be serious towards their affair, and often leads to a disjunction or ending of a relationship. Men are more likely to end their affairs when their mistress becomes emotionally attached to the affair, and tries to interfere with his house life. Below is list of fact and truth about men's Infidelity.

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Women Behind Bars

Will a Cheater all the time Be Cheater?

For some men cheating is an addictive habit. But for most men, development a decision to cheat has more to do with his current state of mind, the state of his current relationship or marriage, and the level of temptation of his presented cheating opportunity. This is exactly why it is truly inherent for women to prevent their men from cheating.

Men Only Cheat With Women Prettier Than His Wife or Girlfriend?

At times yes! But that's not the case for majority of cheating men. Most men do not cheat purely for sex, and they do not insist on cheating with women who are more challenging than their spouses. Most men do not want to marry their mistresses, as long as she satisfies his sexual and emotional needs, then she is good adequate for a mistress. Less than 10% of men eventually left their wives and families for their mistresses, and that says about thing; most men do not plan to commit to their mistresses. They are just in it for the fun, the thrill, and an escape from their marriages or relationships.

Men's Cheating is All About Sex?

This is a tasteless misconception about men's cheating, not all men who cheat are sexually dissatisfied with their girlfriends or wives. Men also cheat for emotional reasons. Men want to feel they are being loved, appreciated, supported, admired, and respected by their woman. Most men are not very good at expressing their emotional needs and feelings, and this is why men's emotional needs are overlooked by their partners or spouses. When that happens, men tend to look elsewhere for someone who will satisfy his needs.

Men Look for Women Who Can Satisfy His Emotional Needs

Sex is only one of the factors that caused men to cheat. More often than not, men tend to cheat with someone who can satisfy his emotional needs. someone that would pamper his feelings. someone that would palpate him and tell him he is the best and he is doing just fine. someone that would appreciates presence. This is exactly why men from emotionally dysfunctional marriages are more likely to commit infidelity. For these men, what they are seeing for covering of their marriages is a woman who can be his emotional healer and soul mate. someone that can make him feel alive again and makes him feel like a man!

They Want to Feel the Passion Again

Remember how you felt when you first fell in love with you man? That burning passion, that blood pumping excitement, and sexual desires! Remember how sex with him was so incredible, and you and him used to spend hours just kissing each other. Well, that is what these men are seeing for when they cheat!

Do Men Feel Guilty After He Cheated?

Yes men no ifs ands or buts do, and for most men, they feel every singular time they cheat! So, how do these cheating men cope with their guilty feelings? Well, they brought their guilt back home with them, take a good shower, and just totally put it behind his mind. Yes, believe it or not, most men can no ifs ands or buts do it! Some men would no ifs ands or buts try to make up for their guilty feelings by treating their girlfriends or wives nicer, sweeter, and with more insight for a duration of time until their no longer feel guilty.

Men Cheat Because He Doesn't Love His Wife?

While this no ifs ands or buts does not explicate men's cheating behaviors, majority of time, men who cheated do love their wives. Their cheating mentally is quite simple to explain. A man will cheat to have his sexually or emotional needs satisfied, and then he will leave all of his cheating behaviors and guilt behind his mind. He will act like nothing ever happened and go back home to his lovely wife and adorable family. This may be impossible for most women to comprehend, but it is true. This is exactly why most men who cheated would never disjunction their wives to marry their mistresses.

Do Men's Friends Have affect On Their Cheating Behavior?

Men's willingness to no ifs ands or buts put his cheating thoughts into action may or may not have something to do with his friends' attitude and view towards it. However, when cheating with a hot woman is something being encouraged or bragged about among his peer group, he is more likely to cheat.

Does Men's Infidelity Have anyone to Do With The Women Being Cheated On?

Some population might claim that men's cheating behaviors and infidelity does not have anyone to do with the women being cheated on. Frankly speaking, sometimes it does have something to do with her behaviors, her attitudes towards him, and the way she treats him. It's surely not her fault that her man cheated. But maybe she was doing something that made him wanted to cheat on her. Maybe he did it as revenge to her old cheating history. Maybe he cheated because she often rejects him when he wants to have sex. This is exactly why women need to understand the true reasons behind men's cheating thoughts and behaviors, and what women can do to prevent their men from cheating.

For most women, discovering and learning about the ugly truth behind men's infidelity is going to be emotionally challenging and difficult! But once you understood the truth of men's infidelity and different ways and methods to prevent men's infidelity from happening; you are taking the first step onto the right path. insight and acquiring the total and practical knowledge on men's infidelity will empower women to cope with such issue. So, can men's infidelity be cured once and for all? Probably not! However, learning about the truth and the methods will surely help to sell out a women's probabilities of being cheated on by their man.

I hope you get new knowledge about Women Behind Bars. Where you may put to used in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Women Behind Bars. Read more.. The Ugly Truth Behind Men's Infidelity.

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